Just another average sunset in paradise!

Sunday, January 1, 2012

2nd year without a resolution!

For most of my life I made one or two resolutions on New Year's Eve.  Quitting smoking and drinking only in moderation were almost always on the list.  I was still smoking and drinking so two years ago I decided to resolve to do something that I could accomplish.  On December 31, 2009 I resolved to: 1. Enjoy life, 2. Be happy with what I have and not sad about things I do not have, 3.  Look for the good in everyone, and 4.  Avoid negativity.

The reason I have not made any more resolutions is that I have been very successful in keeping the ones I made in 2009.  I don't know if there is any "cause and effect" as a result of these resolutions but the past two years have been two of the happiest in my life.  Also, once I was happy with what I had good things kept coming my way.  Dod and our new home  base in Aticama are two major good things but I think the best things are the people I have met and the relationships that have been built.

Best wishes to all for a happy, healthy and prosperous New Year!


  1. Happy New Year to you, Dave! Those sound like the best resolutions to me. :) Are you in Mexico? Or traveling there now? Aticama looks and sounds wonderful.

  2. Yep, those are some good resolutions for any year.

  3. Happy New Year. Sounds like a good plan.

  4. Happy new year. Those are good resolutions. I resolved not to make any resolutions!! Is that Weng's house in your header?

  5. Have another wonderful year, Dave. We'll be looking forward to some more great sunshine pictures on your blog. Have you talked with Weng and Francisco there in Aticama? It always looks like a great place. Enjoy the new year.

  6. Great resolutions. I guess you are still leaving for Mexico in the morning so travel safe.

